How I deep clean The Sims 3
Thanks for stopping by again! I thought it'd be fun to share a post about the how I fix bugs in Sims3, I am no expert at fixing games, this is just the experience that I gained by playing it for the past 10 years, thus it might not be the case for all people → Yes! I'd said I spent more time on fixing than playing Although it is such a fun game, but this is one of the most laggy PC game that I've played, even without custom content, this is the most ridiculous part. I have seen lots of Sims3 players who really are expertise at building fancy houses and sims, but I seriously doubt if the game is still playable after installed crazy amount of Mods/CC? Of course, if it's just to enter build mode or CAS that'd probably not be an issue. I never experienced anything bad while in CAS or build mode. From what I've observed, problems are most likely to be: 1.glitches 2.unsavable games/saving takes forever automatically shut down all of the sudden 4.lag ...